CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) has fascinated me since my youth. My journey into this world started with Cinema4D, where I mainly created 3D graphics and videos of technical devices and their functions. When Blender version 2.8 caused hype in the industry, I was full of enthusiasm and quickly switched over to this program. I have never regretted this decision. What excites me most about CGI rendering is the attempt to get as close as possible to reality and to blur the boundaries between reality and fiction.

In my professional environment, I have often been able to benefit from the skills I have learned and enhance projects with high-quality images. I believe CGI is crucial for the future, especially in virtual and augmented reality, as it enables immersive, interactive, and realistic digital experiences, pushing the boundaries of VR and AR.

Here is a small selection of my hobby projects. Enjoy!


During the development of this website and the creation of the case studies, I was able to put my Blender skills to the test. I deliberately avoided using ready-made models and instead modelled, textured, and animated all the devices myself. This approach gave me immense satisfaction and paid off handsomely.

Clayrender Render
Clayrender Render


Furniture serves as the intersection of design and everyday life. Moreover, they are excellent objects to practice and learn modelling and texturing techniques.

Clayrender Render
Clayrender Render
Furniture Chair - Detail
Furniture Couch - Detail


Rendering the globe was an extremely fascinating project. I was able to successfully realize this project with the help of textures provided by NASA. In Blender, I used a Principled BSDF Shader, Displacement Maps and Volume Scatter to render the Earth and its atmosphere as realistically as possible. A particular challenge was to set the world in motion and present it with the correct interplay of light and shadow.